Legal & Compliance

Lyke Financial (hereinafter “Lyke”) is a registered investment advisor with the Ohio Department of Securities.

The content of this website is constructed solely for informational purposes only. Lyke makes every effort to provide reliable, comprehensive information but makes no warranties related to the accuracy or completeness of the information. The material presented is not a complete analysis of the subjects discussed and does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice. You should seek the guidance of a professional advisor who can incorporate your individual circumstances and objectives into an investment strategy.

Market volatility and portfolio performance continually change. Investments are subject to risk and may lose value due to market fluctuations. Future performance of investments is not guaranteed.

Lyke collects and maintains personal client information for the purpose of transacting business and servicing accounts. Personal information is never sold to an outside party. In limited circumstances, Lyke may disclose personal information if required to comply with applicable laws or to resolve consumer disputes. If a client no longer has accounts with Lyke, we continue to safeguard your nonpublic information with the utmost confidentiality.

To review the details of our Privacy Policy, contact an advisor.